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(1 edit) (+1)

I can't find it still!
edit: Nevermind I got it :)

You're not going crazy... Rhose isn't on the list of names for a reason. If you do a search for Rhose Roottree on your in-game PC you will get a small hint about how you can find her. Often times, searching for things associated with people can reveal new information. For example brand names, or trying to find more details about what they do for a living.

If you need any additional hints, the discord server in the settings is a good place to ask, there are people who finished the game there that can help you.


Ahhh I got it!

Rhose Roottree Rose, no results. Rhose Rootree maplecrisps no results. Rhose Roottree career no results, what are you hinting at?

(1 edit)

Pay close attention to how things like company or brand names are spelled (uppercase? lowercase?) and punctuated when searching ;) And sometimes just searching one name or brand name alone can be more helpful rather than combining them.