This is really great feedback - thank you!
The dash/ jump being disabled has been bugging me for a while, tileset collisions are hard but I'm 99% sure I'll be able to fix it for the next build. That's a top priority bug though cause any inconsistency is a big issue.
The corners thing I have tried to fix and failed - I basically need a super elegent solution that teleports the player and resets their speed back a few frames, but only at the right time and always by the right amount. If you've got suggestions on that end I'm all ears.
And ooooh fastfalling - I'm very into that. My one concern would be that it could make it too easy to slide hop chain, so I'd need to add ~.3 seconds of lockout after jumping, but I love fastfall challenges in Celeste and it could pair nicely with the slide.
That all makes sense, I think the fastfalling should somehow be implemented so that you can input them at a precise timing after the jumps of speed tech to make it even faster, wihout making it easier to do as a whole but thats probably a very tough design problem, also, do the checkpoints rely on proximity to their center? Beacause even though I could not get enough momentum to skip the entire pit at the end, if I just touched the last platform from below it would count, that way I cheesed my way to a 18,00. Another thing: An online tag mode, just to toss some thoughts around :)
Yeah I don't wanna add more complexity to the bread and butter movement so it may well end up on the cutting room floor but I'll try it and see how it feels.
Checkpoints are all polygon triggers so yeah it's possible to set your checkpoint in uninted ways, that's something I'll need to polish up in the fabled ~ new levels ~
and yeah pit skip is an insane difficulty spike over the rest of the speedrun, 300 downloads and only one person has got it and that was a close friend who's had the game for a while now
Yeah it's easy for me to forget that I've probably got 100 or so hours in the game, but you'll get it
I PROMISE the movement bugs will be fixed when the next content is added.
I want this to be a rock solid game that players feel happy putting a tonne of time in.
Thanks again by the way, this is really useful feedback.