I like how the game builds up from starting in a city to someplace fantastical. It provides a contrast that keeps the player's attention throughout playing your game.
I think the last level is where your game shines but it's also the place where there are some glaring issues. The lighting and the design of the place is very well done. The lights don't overpower what is happening on the screen and they're well placed to guide the player. The big flaw though that stems from the design of the level is that with everything going on the level lags to the point where I personally have to resort to a strategy I use in other games. What I do is I constantly look at the floor to minimize lag so as to reduce the number of objects and lights the camera needs to render, but this detracts from all of the work your team put into designing this level. I think it's either the amount of objects and lights combined that's overworking the camera or it could be the models themselves (they look low-poly to me but I can't say that for a fact unless I see the models themselves).
Nonetheless, the game builds up to something great and I'm glad I got to see this game in motion.