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As an asexual (a person that feels no sexual desires i.e doesn't enjoy sex or masturbation) i really appreciated the  sense of humor this game had. From Degradation kink phone guy (for the gays!) to "What's up Cock!" I enjoyed this! I liked how based on the characters posture you could tell what their personality could be! It's really easy to humanise them and give them fake personalities (like the actual FNaF)! It was fun finding little secrets! (even if ankha made me cringe in so many ways).

an asexual friendly porn game!?!?!?!






What is with this "doesnā€™t like sex? OPINION INVALIDATED" mentality. I tried it once, not my cuppa, just a lot of breathing and sweat and moaning from the girl i was inside. I donā€™t get what the hype was about. And that invalidated me from finding this game enjoyable how? Because iā€˜m not the target audience?? All i said about the game was positive you twine!




The game has humor = good for asexuals?


Yuhh, the concepts and jokes were funny and enough to keep me entertained.


Oh man. I'm also asexual  (Playing these types of games to test myself.) and I have to agree with you this game has a ton of charm. Really love it. Though I'm curious about the lore? How does it deviate from the fnaf series you know? (Also I don't understand why people are rude? There just commenting on how they enjoy the game and the totally !awesome! design. I think people automatically assume there a radical lgbtq "I hate hetero's!" typa person when in actuality we're all really normal and deserving of a better future. All of us. We're in this together man!)


What I mean with "lil secrets" is the little ankha that has a chance of appearing in pirate cove, golden tibbie, chica starinā€˜ at the pikachu. Schtuff like that! (I swear! The hate we get for not liking sex is weeeiird. 
Iā€˜m not one of those "Fuck the Straight men!" people (Even though nine times out of ten itā€˜s a straight man thatā€˜s hating on us! (not all straight men but itā€˜s almost always a straight mans fault!)) I kinda get where theyā€™re coming from)


My favorite reference was the reference to LoZ Twilight Princess. I swear I saw slenderman in the backstage camera once but I was flipping through the cameras too fast to be sure.

you did.

tbh if i didnt enjoy sex or masturbation, i would be living a hell of life

i hope i never experience what it feels to be like that...