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Huh. I swear I had it set up so she could give birth before the second Freeze without jumping through the extra hoops. That'll have to go into my notes so I can look further into it.
If nothing else, it sounds like I should probably put in an alternate way of completing Kala's bonus objective. If it's that finicky, chances are basically no one is able to do it, and that's not how I want that to work. I definitely get it being frustrating if you know content exists and can't get to it despite knowing the steps to find it.

Hopefully its and easy fix for you when it comes to kalas extra obj, but just to make sure could you check with ppl in ur discord if anyone has managed to make it all work out ? dont wanna give u extra work if its somehow from my side and me failing something. also on the save im playing on right now deirlinn is gonna give birth game phase 19 and i know its gonna be 20 instead cuz 19 is freeze, but i found out that making the ventire chick preggo as soon as ur able to changed deirlinns birth phase from 19 to 24 so thats another bug i think


For Deirlinn's phase moving after Vendra - Apparently the wrong variable got specified somewhere. Found and fixed. Good catch!

For Kala's extra objective - nah, it's not that big of a deal. It's just copying it elsewhere and changing a bit of dialogue to match the situation.

glad to hear its an easy fix, now that i know i cant do kalas extra obj i can finally just drop it for now and do all the new content thats after the second freeze. Thank you for all the help with this situation!


You're welcome!