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Seem fun, got quick questions though...

Is there plans for team members, like have another character by your side and is there plans to have alternate playable characters, like playing a brute, more tough but slow or maybe for those interested, a female character? 

Its rare to see a game like this and even more rare to see it finish but this style of gameplay is really interesting so Hopefully you are able to do well and get tons of feedback and support. XD


If you're talking about combat mechanics then unfortunately I don't plan on adding alternate playable characters. However, you can raise your stats as you want, they greatly affect combat. You can be strong but slow, fast but weak, or balanced depending on how you distribute your stats. In the future I will try to add more skills, it will determine your combat style.

As for team members, I cannot promise for sure. It can take a long time to get it into the game, depending on the complexity of the code.

Anyway, thank you, hope you have a great day.

cool, no worry, might be pretty cool to have some one helping you, even if its just for a boss fight or something, as for the characters, its fine, interested in seeing were the stats mechanics go XD

Side note, anyway to share how to do the combat / open world mechanics? might give more people inspiration to make more to this style as its sort of lacking even though its a great concept for the visual novel style game XD

anyways, good luck with the game and have a great rest of the week XD


Of course, if you have anything to ask, just go to my discord. Even though my spaghetti code can be quite confusing, I'll try to answer what I know.


awesome, don't have discord but am sure there might be someone who's interested in this XD