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Who is she boss.

oh her yeah she was Jessie now people college her jes.


It short for Jessie or jester.

Jes was a clown now she my jester.

What happened to her.

She was a birthday clown to entertain kids the kids love her performance and her be there in general.

In until what.

In until she got a companion the kids was not like her there anymore. she was sad about it. new she run form the party.

Where does she go.

She went to the old lady to watch the ducks.

But that still didn’t not explain what happened to her.

She find a flower in the flower bed. That flower was different from the r.

What color was it.

Black, gray and white.

She find the curse flower in the flower bed.

She put up the flower and now she is curse.

Wait how do you know that boss.

am… it was my birthday party.

Boss it was you.

Yeah it was.

Wait boss how old was you at the time.

About 5 to 6 year old at the time. Well then I follow her and I still  everything .   I won’t go in to details.

Wait boss how old are you now.

I’m 35 year old.

this is in google

I know it is