Notes from an initial readthrough of the system and a practice character creation:
- It's mentioned on Pg. 39 that Heroes may perform as many of each Opportunity they can afford, but Dash also states that you can't Dash, take an Action and then Dash again. Am I reading this wrong?
- The Dodge counter mentions Light/Medium/Heavy Loads, which aren't described anywhere. The closest equivalent I could find were the three armour weights, being Clothes, Light and Heavy.
- There's no example as to how a character might react to another character of an Aspect complementary to theirs. (pg. 75)
- The Bolt Aspect appears to be the only one with a weakness to itself - this could be intentional, but regardless stands out.
- Each Discipline comes with an VAWN bonus - does this bonus change when you swap Disciplines, or do you just get the bonus from your starting Discipline?
- All Disciplines mention the party's Warchest, which I can assume from the Party sheet is a communal gold fund, but it's not mentioned anywhere else in the rules.
- Black Mages, Mendicants, Swordsages and White Mages gain accessories as part of their starting equipment, which isn't mentioned anywhere within the alpha release nor in the corresponding devlog as a reference to something that doesn't exist.
- Swordsage has the text 'Pick Blademaster as your free Boost, depending on which weapon type you’d like to focus on', which makes very little sense when there's only one selection.
- During Downtime, is it possible to change to a different Discipline to buy one of its abilities and then immediately swap back?
For example, a Swordsage wants to get MP Boost from the Black Mage Discipline. Can she, during Downtime, swap to Black Mage and buy the ability before swapping back to Swordsage? - Are the free Action/Boost abilities from a given Discipline 'locked in' when you first swap to a Discipline, or are they rechosen each time you swap to that Discipline? (If rechosen, are there limits? e.g. only abilities touching central tile)
- Boltara (Bolt Mastery 2) deals Flame damage, which is presumably a typo.
- Three weapons (The Arquebus, the Bowrifle and the Hunting Bow) have the Ammunition property, but this property isn't described anywhere.
- During camping/downtime, do Heroes have individual numbers of actions or are the actions split between them? It's not clear. This also extends to Lifestyle Costs - does the party pay it as a whole, or does each Hero pay it individually?
- The Hang Out camping action makes reference to clearing 'strain', which isn't mentioned anywhere else nor is it on the character sheet.
- Pg. 28 makes reference to a Downtime Action used to remove conditions gained from travelling without supplies, but it doesn't actually exist down in the Downtime section.
This is a fascinating system, and I'm very interested in seeing where it ends up going!
edit: I only just noticed you had v0.1b up, some of these might be irrelevant now