Further changes coming or things which don't exist yet and will be clarified (some of these are probably in v0.1c, not in v0.11):
- Equipment load is mentioned and not elucidated upon. Coming in 0.1c, because this is a core element that needs implementation.
- Retraining Downtime Action -- mentions of changing your Discipline during Downtime were never given express rules.
- Alongside that: a full explanation of how battle stats, abilities, and VAWN boosts change when you change disciplines.
- Accessories table got left out of the equipment section, just like ammunition had previously (ammo fixed in 0.1b). They'll be put back in with 0.1c.
- Expanding Convalescence Downtime action to address removal of Conditions as well as Wounds.
- Clearing errant mentions of strain, an old mechanic from a previous version of the doc that I apparently missed.