Fun game! Took me a few tries to get a good score (~140). I like the fast paced nature, kept me on my toes and thinking ahead and making quick strategies for money making (buy, steal, sell, survey).
A few Quality of Life suggestions to consider. Show score after losing (I had to guess around where my score was). Have visual feedback for what stock buying and selling does (e.g. a bar that shows how much your investment has increased over time) and visual readouts for what each button did to your money (rising readout of the money lost or gained on button press) this makes it less ambiguous as to what it happening and makes it feel more fair. Reactive buttons, have them either highlight or expand when you hover over them, this will let people know that they can actually be pressed--and it just feels good. Aside from that, I think it would be funny if the character in the middle slowly got more stressed the less money there was in savings.