It's a fun little game but the mechanics aren't explained well. I didn't realise until after I'd playing it multiple times (to test the keyboard controls) that there was a lot more going on than I thought.
My main notes:
1. The music is very helpful for understanding the current state of the game
2. I didn't notice until my third playthrough that the humans came to investigate if they heard something breaking nearby. This wasn't helped by the fact that they only seem to actually investigate some of the time.
3. The tables seem inconsistent at best and detrimental at worst. I, again, didn't even realised they existed until my second playthrough. And when I tried hiding under them, I'd sometimes be spotted anyway, and then I'd be trapped under a table with very little chance of escape because there's a human right next to me.
4. The keyboard controls are, it must be said, terrible. When I saw that the game had keyboard controls, I expected that I'd be able to press right and move right, but instead I'm moving the cursor and then using space to move to that location. This is weird and unintuitive, and lends itself to being incredibly slow, which isn't good when you're being chased by multiple humans! (The mouse controls made sense and worked well, just would have liked a different system for the keyboard controls)
5. It was annoying scrounging around the map looking for unbroken items. It would have been nice to have a little counter telling me how many items I have left to break, so I at least know I'm not wandering around for nothing. Perhaps a little pointer to the nearest unbroken item even.
6. Humans would often notice me from offscreen, which was really annoying because it didn't feel like I could have done better to avoid it. Zooming out the camera a touch or shrinking their sight range a little would have helped with this, so I can see them before they see me.
Overall, very neat! Wish there was more to it, and just a touch more polish. Some bug fixes and more levels and this game would have been a lot more fun, which means it has good potential. Well done!