The core gameplay is fun, and the art looks nice and usually reads well. Carefully dodging bullets while returning fire, testing your luck with how many fish you can take out before they finish reloading, it's a fun little experience. I overall enjoyed it. It wasn't a perfect experience though, so here are my main complaints:
The fish moving through walls is a little weird. Not sure how I feel about it, it's kind of part of the gunplay but it's also.. Odd.
The difficulty was an issue. I would either blaze past everything after getting a little lucky, or I'd die in the first level.
When you run out of ammo, and you've got no grenades, you're basically dead. Wish there was a little melee attack or something for those cases.
I wish the character was a little faster, or the levels a little less sprawling, so I could spend more time playing the game and less time walking around.
The floor textures were very busy, which makes it hard to parse the screen quickly. This would be a problem in any game, but in a faster-paced shooter like this game, it really impacts the experience.The bosses aren't as good as they could be. The fact that the shielded boss can spawn fish that themselves have shields can definitely cause a lot of annoyance.
The final boss seemingly just sat there, and then the game seemed to hitch for a moment, I heard a bunch of gunshots, and then I died. No idea what happened, and I'm not going to play the whole thing again to find out.
The game often lagged when I threw a grenade.
Being a web build, the game has limited resources. Perhaps that's what causes these issues.
Again, the game was fun! All of the complaints above weren't enough to ruin my experience with it. The different types of gun were fun (The sniper seems overpowered, mwahaha~), the randomisation of enemy gear was a fun addition, and the game has a lot of potential, even if it wasn't realised within the deadline of the jam.