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(2 edits)

It's important to take breaks, especially as a solo creator. Think it's wonderful that you're allowing yourself a sense of creative play again through this exploration of a side game. Heck, anybody who loves your cast of characters certainly aren't complaining! (It's nice to see other 'sides' to your characters' lives and personalities, and not just...their suffering, lol xD). 

As for burnout, it's definitely an experience I can relate to (experienced it twice actually--with one resulting in a hospital stay--but sometimes you gotta repeat a lesson to truly remember it, aha~ |-D ).
Expanding beyond (often self-imposed) tunnel vision is important. While commitment, plans, and structure is important... life still requires a balance of exploration, play, and experimentation as well! 

Anyhow, thanks for telling us how you're doing. Truly. Please continue to take care of yourself in whatever that best means for you. ^_^


Sob you're too kind... 😭💕 I definitely don't take as many breaks as I probably should, mostly due to the fact that I start feeling antsy and guilty if I'm not actively working on something. Though sometimes a break can be a break from one specific thing rather than an entire break, which I guess this game is more of that lol. Working on the same thing for a long time can start to wear on your creative outlet perhaps 💦 I'm really glad that working on this new small project was able to get me all excited again. And I'm hoping also that this brain break from the main game will get me even more primed and ready to jump back into it and complete the finale in the new year!! 😤

Thank you so much for this kind message!! (And apologies for taking a bit to get to it -- my brain's been so all over the place lately trying to get a bunch of things done lakdjfad). I'm really excited to release the new side game soon and I really hope people will enjoy it!! Take care of yourself, as well!! 💕