Played this for the first time today and it absolutely slaps. We had a pretty smooth first loop but failed to clear anything and ran out of time just as we picked up the goods, and one misstep in our second loop led to a cascade of complications that took us in some wild directions. (We just wanted the radioactive relic, but hey, if getting it involves throwing a wrench in the rise of an intergalactic autocrat, who are we to complain?) Finally clearing our first few complications felt like the moment a heist movie flashes back to show you how a ruinous plot twist was really part of the plan all along--by the time we made it out on the third loop we all wished we could watch a trailer for our crew.
We loved the balance of the rules being very open-ended, but giving us just enough structure to keep us moving. I'm slated to play with another group of people in a few weeks and it's rad to know that rendition will be a totally different game! (Also, shoutout to simothys for the idea of using a big sheet of paper and a bunch of colored pens, which made notetaking a delight.) What a blast, this was cinematic and joyous and I'm already hyped for the next time.