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I don't know if this is a bug or not but Why can't i access the last Shika H-event?

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I don't want people who start off to hate if i spoil something for them so if you want then look lower in my comment.

For Shika's last H-Event you need to go to Hana's house in the morning after the Big Dude's and The Nekomata's (forgot her name) attack on your village, if i remember right but also you have hints that show you what to do to unlock those Events so check the Affection Board. If not then you don't have enough affection to unlock it, check the Affection Board if i'm wrong because i forgot i haven't played it for a while.


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hi,I had  the same problem here,as even my affections to Shika is already 25,but the H- event is still locked. And there's no more hints about the fourth unlocked event.

So I  wonder if that a bug maybe due to the wrong unlock order. Because I'm not very interesting to Shika so that's my last one locked H event of every girls. 


Problem solved. Just go to keiko's place in morning and night then the main line can go on. After that will be the Shika's fourth event.

Yeah, sorry for not including it in the comment cuz' i forgot about going to Keiko's place. Haven't played it for quite some time so i forgot what to actually do.

Your answer is also correct.

It's just because the Shika's fourth event is the only one of every character after the attack, and we should go to Keiko's place to trigger this attack.