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(1 edit)

I got as far as I could without knowing that I needed a planter/gardening-pot,
(One already has dirt and can grow trees, that such a gardening container never came to mind.) Or which to summon an animal, you need to prepare an appropriate environment.

It's way too easy to get caught up trying to exhaust new creations than taking things methodically. The fact that the seeds were 'mixed' was a good clue that they contained different things that activated in different ways.

I don't mind abstract symbolism. However the final few combinations relied on guessing what the developer had in mind; than adhering to a learned consistency. The animal puzzles required more patience than applying the game's logic. By the end of the game, my thoughts lingered on combinations never realised. Which becomes a great source of inspiration for others to draw from.

All in all, a really neat game! :)