I use Chrome, Bing on occasion.
Will try that.
Sorry for bothering you and thanks for replying!
You can try but its the same file. Is this a windows computer? If so I can get you an exe version of the game. But I'm not comfortable posting it here or a link to the discord here. Is there any other way you could get in touch with me where DMs exist?
Either via twitter or reddit? I can post a link to my twitter or reddit here if you'd like.
You can message me through reddit here: https://www.reddit.com/user/Superrodan
Or you can just reply to this post and I'll DM you there:
Hello there!
I have figured out the issue.
My computer is severely outdated and is not compatible with the newest version of OpenGL. (A graphics application that comes with your system. Helps with games and apps.) Other games that could not open in that way have also reported the same problem when I installed them.
This problem is unfixable unless I get a new device.
Thank you for your help—I will play the game when I am able to