A great start to something that could (have) be(en) terribly ambitious. The sheer amount of world building done to create a background of characters, places, factions, artifacts and relations which never appear but are mentioned in passing, is enormous. Unfortunately, it also suffers from some serious flaws:
Given CoG's bizarre obsession with not wanting to make ChoiceScript user-friendly, a back-button and the ability to export saves were always pretty much out of the question.
The game isn't consistent about whether Tigress is from the East or from the West.
If you hope that Tigress is okay after getting injured during the Outer Disciple tournament, the game says you can challenge Long Wyoung. But if you then go to the Arena Administrative Building, it says you can only issue ranked challenges, not personal ones.
The game tells you the Ro Hui/Hyi is the "Mistress/Little Demon Queen", but then doesn't give you any options acknowledging this (You can only either go along with them apparently without recognizing them, or you can express disinterest in the disciples' lives without recognizing them).
"There is no right and wrong. Justice is upheld by man, and fairness is a made-up concept for the weak to soothe their aches."
Ooh yikes. Methinks somebody's been hitting the Nietzsche, Foucault and Le Guin a bit too hard. Quick repeat after me:
The Dao that can be spoken of, is not The Eternal Dao.
The Name that can be spoken of, is not The Eternal Name.