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(2 edits) (+2)

Oooh! An analytics page! Joy~

Thanks everyone for sharing their stats! I personally like these things - they're usually quite telling of what the user base usually browses for. It's hard as nails to get other devs to share their stats and analytics, so thank you for this!

Anyway, I guess I should share mine to add to the pool... let's see...

As of this current post:

Years on site: 2

Games: 9

Asset Packs (PNG Graphics): 11

Views: 112,658

Downloads: 6,840

Followers: 466

Posts: 155

Topics: 2

Browser plays: 38,296

Platform: If it helps, all my games have browser-based or have browser-based versions. I'd noticed an uptick in site visits after I enabled web-based versions for my download-only stuff some time back.

As for activity: I'm inactive for months on end, and tend to upload stuff or post devlogs and comments in random spurts before going quiet again. I do try to promote on social media sometimes, but nowadays I barely do that since it doesn't seem to make any difference.

Nature of games: They're anime-style romantic gay visual novels aimed at a primarily female demographic. (Edit: By "female demographic" I mean me, myself and I. My VNs are made to my own personal tastes, lol)

That's it! Thank you again everyone for sharing your stats - I was clicking through your profiles to view them, if you don't mind. Cheers~