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there is a bug that if you have items inside a chest, plant potatoes, leave water on a purifier or leave food on the cooking station and exit the game all the items are gone when you come back

(1 edit)

Yes, I faced it too. Not only when you exit the game, but also when you go to some other place on your raft and come back the water cans or the water purifiers were gone. I posted this issue already earlier in the comments. This issue started to appear when I downloaded the Version 1.04 update.

maby a mac glitch or the other one because i dont get his on windows


I'm on windows and I had this happen as well. Saved and logged out of the game, came back later and all of my food that was cooked on my fire pits were gone and all of my boiled water that was sitting on the water purifier was also gone. It'll be a hassle if I have to keep all of that in my inventory before logging out if this isn't a bug.