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My biggest complaint is that the art and the text (bar the opening screen) is so tiny! Otherwise I had fun, although those fire casters are definitely overpowered and it's particularly frustrating when they run (or spawn) off screen. I also don't feel that that this game has a strong adherence to the theme.

I think Jaco van Hemert made some great points, so I don't have much more to add, although it would appear I enjoyed the game a lot more than he did. It was very satisfying smashing all the blue guys and I got/prioritised movement upgrades in my best game so that made it quite fun.

I think the writing was very good - you did a really great job in that area. I chuckled. It also contributed some subtle world building, which was great.


Yeah, adherence to the theme turned out to be a bit of a problematic element for me. I had originally envisioned the power ups as things you would actually place around the home - fridges, tables, etc - so one half of the gameplay would be a more decorative experience that took place inside the house itself. Hell, I even wanted some of them to visibly change the player, such as a chimney or additional floor to the building, etc. 

All that was ... an ambitious plan, and I realized it just wasn't going to be feasible given the timelimit and my skills, and as a result ended up axing the part that most closely adhered to the theme and trying to incoporate the spirit of that into the names and writing. Unfortunate, but we live and we learn! It was quite an eye opening experience honestly, because this idea was what I had deemed the one I was most likely to finish and it was still stressful and way too close to the deadline. I'd hate to know what would have happened if I had gone for one of my other plans. xD

Thank you very much for giving it a whirl, and especially for the kind words regarding the writing! I'm very pleased that you liked it! That's an element I'd love to explore more in a future projects. I've the itch to try and craft something more narratively driven, perhaps even a visual novel!


Yeah, I'm very familiar with time limit versus skills! Those are cool ideas. I'm sorry you didn't get to implement them.

There seems to be quite an audience for visual novels on itch so that would be something worth experimenting with. Good luck!