Thank you Foolbox, your game was also one of favorites in the jam. Hit me up sometime if you're looking for a collaborator, I somehow think we might be a good fit.
I knew I was taking a risk with the weapon cycling, but I wanted to do something different than mapping to 1, 2, 3 + standard reloading where most players pick a favorite weapon and just stick with it. I hoped this system would encourage players to freely spread their upgrades around. I tried to balance the cycle so that you'd alternate between rapid fire and single fire for the reason you mentioned, wanting to crowd control versus pick off specific enemies.
One way I wanted to expand the weapon cycling system but did not get to in the allotted time would be at a certain weapon level, you'd unlock a special ability for each weapon, such as an Area-Of-Effect EMP blast for example. Using each gun's ability would instantly use up a lot or all of the gun's ammo, allowing you to cycle faster while also increasing your sense of progression. It'd also have the effect of turning the individual Ammo bars into a sort of Ability Cooldown timer. Does that sound interesting enough to you to make this unusual system worth it?