Still weird my guy , but either way this one aint for me , you know to each their own and all that but not for me and this is not sex foward in fact it's very slow with the actual sex from what I heard and saw , plus it's a game with a Harem tag even though you can't have a harem in actuality , so yeah not for me
Oh, I dunno. I am very new to harem (other than one, that itch only recently characterized that way) and the other two, by the same author, are more story and less sex than this. So far, it seems that the only combination you can't have is Jessica and Skylar, and I can see a still pic that makes me think that isn't a permanent issue. For all you know, the penetration of potential daughters is limited, and can't be had unless you go off-track with the mother in 1999. Would you, say, erase the twins if it turned out they were the MC's, or be happy that you knocked that one guy out? Seems odd to hang around and complain about it if the game just has a hard stop for you; just stop.