You could then just not play this kind of game? I'm assuming nobody sat you down and tied your hands to the keyboard. If you don't want politics in your games, don't play a game that from the title alone you're able to tell is probably politically motivated. At that point you're just looking for an excuse to be angry. Cheers, mate.
Well good, otherwise what's the fucking point of propaganda?? I don't expect game devs to be castrated apolitical sheep who daren't question the overlords. I expect them to tell me what the fuck is up, at least from their perspective, in cool ways, which is what we have here. I don't see anything being hurt here but bootlickers' feelings. It's not "disgusting" (mildly upsetting) to "alienate" (not cater to) people who hate socialism. Besides, if you hate alienation, maybe give more of a shit about minorities, who get alienated in every fucking mainstream game. This funny economics thought experiment is one of the only games I've played that I actually feel like isn't alienating. So cry me a river. It's timmy's turn on the twine.
Let me get this straight. You're saying that this game (game being the key word here) is "bait" to "indoctrinate" people? For one thing, capitalism kinda deserves to be hated. It is a bad system which allows people like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk to exist, while others are literally dying of starvation on the streets. For a second thing, this is a humorous, sarcastic game not meant to brainwash people into implementing socialism? Honestly, I'm amazed that people like you have made it this far in life.