Hello, good at least three suggestions about the game. 1 insects: they would be enemies such as honeydew flies and among others and also have locations such as the honeycomb or a garbage can
2 Sanity: it would be as if the player would be raped It goes up if Sanity is at Zero the player will see hallucinations This would be on Hard mode.
3 The subway : This Sona would be full of enemies like flies, Dandas of survivors that attack the player and if the player is inside their base, they will be trapped in a prison, also the rats, which would be the most
Extra suggestions:
1 : Mall: in this Place we have an enemy called sick, this enemy will be in random areas of the mall, this will mean that the player gets infected if the player Broken does not eat or If you spend 15 minutes playing you are infected
2 Fence : what would happen is that the player can get in to increase life and if there is an enemy the player will be raped
3 Metal bat: it would be a weapon that Enemies will lose a lot of life
4 Boss: These appear in certain places or days
5Easter eggs: how to Spawns one from fnaf among others
Thanks for reading
And when the next update comes out