We entered a GameJam in June and left creating all the level until the last two hours, which resulted in some really uneven level design. This time round, we made sure to give ourselves more time, spent many more hours on making the levels.
...unfortuantely, we underestimated still, and ended up with half as many levels as we wanted, and the progression/balance ended up being pretty off. It's difficult to make levels before all the mechanics and systems are implemented, but it's really something that shouldn't be left until last. How do we not leave it until last? I'm not 100% sure yet, but it's a lesson I'm part way through learning I think.
Also this is the first GameJam I did after I found out what ScriptableObjects are in Unity and they are AMAZING, I want to use them for everything. Goodbye singletons and static classes, I don't need you (as much) any more!
- Joe