the split would not be as necessary if android games worked more like PC AAA games, you can have gigabytes, even terabytes(if your phone had enough storage) of files, scripts, and short clips, it would just have to link them in dynamically, like "don't load this file till game variable "day" is >= "this" value"
and sure large scripts make any computer choke, but nested scripts are common and easy, just have a main script that loads zones, time, money and checks for required event scripts based on day and previous "script completed" variables
I actually have 3 layers of windows batch files for both my "windows you better re-evaluate what is actually supposed to be in the pagefile" scrip and for my game servers, each one simply running breakable loops that trigger the other loops in a "call" command
it works really well and keeps my script size manageable, and I even figured out how to macro a folder full of scripts, so adding new servers and disabling old ones is as simple as moving a small trigger script file in and out