Me and two friends played this last night and we finished it in a little more than two hours. I only had 30min to prepare the game, which I used to read the entire adventure through once. This was actually the perfect fire test for the adventure, which it passed with flying colors: descriptions of rooms and NPCs are short and inspiring, and the tables on the final pages are giving you that initial spark to fill the emerging scenes with life. The adventure strikes the perfect balance between setting up an interesting situation and providing the GM with the tools to meet the players on whichever path they choose to navigate it by. It is hard to find a fault in this. The only thing I felt myself wanting towards the end of the module was maybe another type of devilish party guest to switch up the combat. The two Monster stat blocks provided were great, but as my murder hobos slew their way through the dungeon, combat was beginning to feel repetitive. After completing the adventure one player exclaimed "Wow, that was gory! Nice!". Very nice indeed! 9/10 Review taken from my blog.