Hey! This is a solid game and I enjoyed playing it. It has everything it needs, but I have some feedback because there were some things I thought could use some improvements in the future if you decide to continue the development. :)
- I was missing a pause menu. I actually failed two runs because something came up and I needed to pause the game for a minute or two. :D
- I was a bit anxious when the view was obstructed by some walls, especially at the bottom of each level.
- The abilities are great. Even though their effects were mostly obvious from the name and picture, I would still suggest adding some kind of description (if leaving it out was not intentional). Some less experienced gamers might play the game and they might not be able to tell what Vampirism might do or how much health is gained from dealing damage for example.
- The game page is very nice visually, but there is almost no text. I think many players would like to learn something about the game before playing it. What is the lore behind the game? Who made the game? What assets did you use to create the game? Does the main character have a name?
- Something feels off about the automatic attacks to me. Perhaps tweaking the enemy health/player damage would help. I think the reason is, that as it took a pretty long time to kill enemies I somehow felt robbed of some strategic gameplay choices. There were several instances where I thought to myself that I would personally prioritize killing a specific enemy and just evade the rest. But I was stuck with targeting the closest enemy.