I like the minimalistic art. It's helpful for tracking where everything is on screen, especially that fast red blur. The controls are straightforward, and I like that the charge direction is also an indication of the level of charge in your attack.
The charge attack mechanic is interesting to use - it's a form of traversal, and seems to grant invincibility. It did feel awkward to use as you need to commit time to charge it to a usable point, in addition to committing to the direction and anchoring yourself in play. It gives a tactical feel to the gameplay. I do like the amount of distance that you can get on a full charge.
I initially thought the red blur was just an arena hazard as it seemed to move around randomly, and it had more in common with the health and damage indicators - I didn't realise it was an enemy until I looked at the jam submission page's description. Attempting to attack the red blur successfully felt like blind luck, as I would have to hope that I had a charge attack ready as the blur crosses my predicted trajectory.
A possible improvement to the player's attack may be to increase the width of the player's attack as the charge increases . This would give the player more to choice between narrow yet quick partial charge vs. a larger full charge.
A fast shape arena fighter.