Really well done on this game! Going through the tutorial, I felt like there could only be so many different machines, but you just kept adding more of them! Each of them had a place, too - all of them were pretty straightforward to understand, with maybe the exception of the stacker, but I felt like it played a pretty critical role in many of the levels. Menuing was really polished (liked the level transition effect) and most of the audio and art were consistent to the theme of your game. I liked that the tutorial was interactive, it communicated the core concepts very effectively.
Not a whole lot to say otherwise - as placement of the machines is on a click-and-drag effect, it would be nice to see them attached to the mouse cursor, just so that you can be sure of what you are putting onto the tiles. I found in a few instances I would start placing down conveyers when I meant to place down a machine.
Very well done, best of luck in the jam and on your future games!