Work on our game has been a lot slower than we'd have liked this last week, but we've re-kindled the gamedev fire, and are getting excited about the next steps moving forward. I (Barry) have been working on some backend pieces, and designing out some things that can be extracted out into AshleyExtensions later on.
Today I finished up a "RemainInBoundsSystem" that supports multiple modes, and works with Axis-Aligned rectangles. You can view the System code in the project here:
RemainInBoundsSystem in Life In Space
The modes are
- CONTAINED: The entity bounds must remain completely inside of the system bounds
- CENTER: The entity origin must stay within the system bounds
- EDGE: The entity bounds may pass outside of the system bounds, but the outer-edge must always stay in or on the system bounds.
These mode look like:
Today we also added in some initial ship animations, (idle, left and right), and seed bullets with varied animation states. Here's a screenshot:
In the next few days we'll be adding in systems to:
- allow entities follow other entities with offsets that will account for rotations
- allow bounds calculations to handle circle bounds as well as rectangles
- Introduce the enemies
- Introduce bullet hits with sprouting
- Damage and collision