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The idea is good, but for 3D design flat notebook is not very good, especially since this design has already been presented earlier.

Why isn't using a notebook, drawn post processing effect good for 3d design? i know that you loose some of the visual clarity in the distance, but other than that it would seem to me that so long as the decision fits the style of the game, it's something you could do. I'd love to hear your thoughts.

And yeah :P it's interesting that two games are using a similar art style in this game jam. Not much i can do about that. RIP

This style is not good not because it is bad, just in 3D it is very tiring eyes.

Do not bury ahead of time

Ah, i see what you're saying. I've tried to mitigate that as much as possible but there is still some there. 
What do you mean by do not bury ahead of time?

You say: Not much i can do about that. RIP, im answer:  don't Rip ))