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Holy crud, that was amazing, and I was supposed to take my shower tonight but could not set this game aside to do so. Dry shampoo is going to have to cover for me tomorrow.  I'm usually too much of a cynic for relentlessly optimistic romances, yet somehow, Yrsa and Uribel were both believable enough in the ways that they grew together as people to make it work. Partly it might have been how well you reverse the typical "men-strong, women-peaceful" dynamic; it makes sense that both of these characters would become the kind of people that they are given their backgrounds, and that they'd have some feelings of inadequacy because of that. They complement each other perfectly. The world-building was also well done: gave enough detail to flesh things out while also leaving me curious about the world and its intricacies. (Uribel was super relatable in that regard.) 

Though I can't say I cried while playing this game, I was legitimately worried for the characters after every daimon attack and bandit encounter, and was left with a thorough case of the warm fuzzies by the end. Eventually, I found myself thinking, "Come on, when's the wedding?"  after every scene. Only got one ending so far, but am tempted to re-play just to explore this story from every possible angle. 

Thank you for all the wholesome feels. And excellent work!