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I'm not an expert in these kind of games, but the overall experience was positive, I found your game to be unique and well thought, but I do see some problems that a little more development time could fix:

  • There should be an option to make the animations faster, the first turns is okayish, but once the enemy starts duplicating more and more worms, it becomes boring having to wait for your turn
  • As I said, I'm no expert, but I feel like the mechanic of infinitely duplicating worms can become insane very early on. Since you have no limit besides having to wait a turn, I think that it can hurt gameplay as it could potentially promove a metagame of making huge worm warms during the first turns to collapse the enemy very soon.

Other than that, the game's quite polished, and I'm sure that you can have your own place in the genre. Keep working on it, very good job! 😁