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(1 edit) (+1)

Could do "basic" upgrades to affect stats
+5% accuracy 0/5
+5% hp 0/5
+5% attk spd 0/5
+5 armor 0/5
+0.5 bullet spd 0/5

so they'd cap out @ 25% which is a decent starting point
more expensive ideas'd be like. 

+3% chance to get gold attribute cards on lvl 0/5 (caps @ 15%)
+1% chance to double card bonus for the level (caps @ 5%)
+1 banish 0/3 (so we can banish a card we dont have to see again if it doesnt fit our builds)

somethng like that. that way you dont have to make a dozen "skill trees" for each upgrade path, you just change the chances we get something better on lvl up.

Those are some good ideas. I have also been thinking on being able to upgrade the augment itself: Let's imagine the silver atk speed augment gives +20 atk speed at the start of the game. Then, with some meta-upgrades, you would be able to turn that card into a more powerful version.

Right now I'm still optimizing the game and want to add a couple more abilities but after that, I will focus primarily on this rogue-lite topic