I played the post jam version first (screenshots below) and then had a look at the jam version. I'm impressed with the sheer number of quality of life improvements you were able to add so quickly. They make such a difference to the experience.
Having said that, I guess I'm one of the few people who really hated the juice wobble (I dislike too much juciness in games in general), from the beginning but especially as my apartment got more complex because it would knock other pieces of furniture out of their placements. As it is, even with the vast improvement over the jam version, I still found the controls a bit janky and it was an effort placing everything so then to have things (often multiple things) knocked around really frustrated me.
I liked the decorating music but I found the loop to be too short and after a while (I probably played the post-jam version for about an hour) it got stuck in my head. Now every time I hear even just a little bit of it it starts on repeat in my head. Sometimes it just randomly pops into my head too.
The gunshot sound was really aggressive - especially coming off the Zen of decorating - and triggering (if you have PTSD - loud sounds out of nowhere can trigger a PTSD physiological reaction). I'd recommend reducing the volume, if nothing else.
I agree with others that much more could be done with the assassination mini game and there have been some good ideas so I don't have anything to add. I was much more interested in the decorating side, probably because it represented the bulk of the game, so I didn't actually give the assassination side much thought beyond being amused at the random names being paired with the random models and not liking the loud gunshot sound.
I really like the idea of different floor plans. I'd like to request some rugs and bookshelves too, please, if they're somewhere in your furniture pack.