I hope you have found it since you posted but if not, here are some hints. They are scrambled in case you just want a bit of help, to unscramble copy the text and paste it into https://rot13.com/ or something similar. First tip say what to look for, second give a rough indication of where to look for and third one if you still have trouble or just want the damn thing
- Vg'f oruvaq na uvqqra cnffntr
- Vg'f orsber gur gheerg / nhgbzngvp obg tha
- Gb gur evtug bs gur urnyvat gragnpyrf, gurer vf n snyfr jnyy lbh pna jnyx be whzc guebhtu. Gur terra gbxra vf urer. Lbh pna frr gur jnyy vf snyfr ol gur qvssrerag grkgher va gur jnyy. Gurer vf nabgure ba ba gur yrsg va gur nepuvirf ebbz