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Also, just for the record, you may be overestimating the complexity of the scripting portion of the engine based on your suggestions. It's not meant to be a fully-featured programming language in-and-of itself, but just a simple human-read/writeable way to encode game-specific logic independent of the engine as a whole. Since I don't think there are any in the project as is currently available, here are a few example scripts, that (assuming the player is in a location called "roomA" with exits left to "roomB" and right to "roomC") plays a crashing sound, and blocks the player from moving left until they've moved right to investigate:

crash:{playSE(crash, 100, 100) wait(50)}_Huh? What was that noise?@I think it came from the right.{setlocscript(roomA, left, nowait, 0) setlocscript(roomB, loc, checksound, 0)}

nowait:Hold on, I should see what happened to the right.

checksound:Oh, looks like a lamp just fell over.{setlocscript(roomC,loc,none,0) setlocdest(roomA, left, roomC, 1)}

'@' means 'wait for player input, then clear the textbox and continue', '_' represents an ellipses, and the part left of the ':' is the name of each of the three scripts. playSE plays a sound effect, modifying the speed and volume of playback, and setlocscript/setlocdest change what happens when you try to go in a direction at a given location to either running the given script or moving to the given location.