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I have commented on this before but felt the need to show the love again. These past several years have been so bad for me. I have been super low so many times. When I was at my lowest and had a literal plan on ending it, I stumbled onto this Novel. I just so happened to do Coaches route first. I don't think I've ever read or experienced anything like how his story made me feel. He literally saved my life, or you saved my life. I have been low many times since then and everytime I get down I always know where to find coach. I know most people will only see these novels as a cute story or as a sexual fantasy, but this is so real for me. I just want to thank the creator for writing it and involuntary saving someone who was on the literal edge. I guess if I had a question, I would this really the end of Coach Grifters story, or is there any chance of more? 

Thanks again



The answer used to be no, I suppose. I think Dyne planned to add 35 days for each route and an epilogue. But now in Twitter and Telegram we see the announcement of a special episode with Spencer and Azaghal. In my opinion, the chance of extra days/special episodes/alternative stories was 0.01% and now its 99.99%. But I suppose it can be an extra extra content and will be only available for the patreon supporters. Like you, I also want more content with Papa Bear. It will always be not enough of him for me.


Hey, thank you so much for taking the time out to leave this comment for me to read.  It really makes me glad to know that the project has helped you so much like that, and it just adds so much more fulfillment to what I do.

As it stands right now, Harold's route is done. There is more content to come that involves him, but his overall story is finished.