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Thanks for liking the new content in the latest update :)

- For the plant trap, I could add the animation part that the plant trap removing player clothing though, if it is a better way instead of the breaking player's clothes instantly.

- Some of the tool you mentioned like crowbar do planned as an equipable item, they just lack of the corresponding equipped sprite for now. Would arrange to update this part in the bug fix update soon.

- The background does looks less satisfy at night time, adding some stars at night would be a good idea. I also want to change the texture of the cloud and make them look better at night.

- Other house around player's house could be a potential explorable location. Also, the lock picking is an action that i would like to add in the future (Require tool and some material,  chance of suessess based on player's nimble)

- Adding a fang as the drop of the dark wolf would be good.

Some of your mentioned location are already planned to add when designing the map
Such as gas station, police station etc. , with the corresponding loots of course.
A school looks good though, especially the tentacle in locker, loves the idea.

Locations outside or near the town would be a nice extension, since i didn't planned much about the suburbs area on the map.
Lake is a planned location near the small forest. Farm and camp would be also be nice to add too.

Thanks for the suggestion