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(2 edits) (+4)


I wanted tosay that I love your game , maybe it will be funny for you but I don't play this game because it's an H game, I play it for it's romance I seriously enjoy the events and dramas in this they are well written, especially damiens route, please keep it up I love the builds and events in this one. 

Also is there going to be more events with Damien in the next update? Please do I would be so happy, I played this route again and again 

That's all. 

(Actually there is another thing I forgot to mention, I love the graphic, it's the best) 

I'm glad that you're loving our game! Thank you!

As for Damien, the next few updates will be focusing on polishing up the game for the upcoming final public release build of the game so Damien isn't going to have any new events for a while, but don't worry as we plan to have so much more with him.