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(1 edit)

Hello I am new to the game but I have been facing a problem so when I get to the scene with the cowgirl my phone screen starts like bugging out and I get kicked out of the game could you tell what is the problem when all mini games were running fine in the first half of the tutorial( i think) I really like the game so please may tell 

Edit:- also I am using Android 


Sorry to hear that.
So far in my testing I have not seen this behavior in any of the interactions with Isabella (cowgirl).

Can you please share more information like, 
which build you are playing.
what is the android version you are using and a screen shot if possible(of the bug), so I can replicate this issue and fix it.
You can share these at: ""

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello again I tried it with another newer phone of mine and then it started working fine I guess it is a ram problem but if I do get anymore bugs/problems I will let you know

good to hear that it worked :)