Now this is ironic. Insults are all the replies consist of, and you don't have any counter to his valid points either. Crooked take, indeed.
I took the time to read, and none of your "arguments" even address his criticism. Part is missing the point, part is just your imaginary headcanon, and part is blatant lies.
For example, when he said that he has no problem with glasses, but no one would wear them e.g. in the shower, you called that "hating on glasses". You went on about him being insulting, all while insulting him yourself. There's similar non-sequiturs in all your arguments. And before you ask me to list them: Why would I go to the trouble of addressing your nonsense when you didn't bother to address his valid points?
What you said about "that guy" is true - if "that guy" is you.