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Your games need a hook, something to pull users in. You also need to present them visually more aesthetically,. People are in general a tad shallow so something that looks pretty will get far more eyes than something that may be technically good but looks drab. Ever thought to turning to AI image generators to aid development?  My art skills are shocking and asset stores are saturated with the same old junk so I have turned to AI image generation. I wrote a dev log on it here if you want to take a look I'm a game dev with 30+ years experience, worked on all sorts from Doom to Need for Speed but I can't draw anything, I'm a coder and in general people do not like coder art.


I love the way you arranged the page but filling it up with AI art is very dangerous and scammy


AI is dangerous and scammy? Not sure what any of that means

I do not think he does either. Complaining about AI art on a page that is supposed to be an AI art blog of sorts. Maybe some misunderstanding.