I think the best word to sum up this game is "Delightful." I said "Whoa" out loud a lot while cruising around the island and taking the moped off sweet jumps. The music and the scenery are perfect complements to each other. The experience of playing this game reminded me of playing a more focused version of the game A Short Hike with the vibes of the Alolan Pokemon games.
There are a lot of serendipitous moments of discovery like when your scooter kicks up a starfish on the beach or when you see your first big wooden ramp. The game anticipates a lot of things including letting you call for help when you get your scooter stuck, I found that option right when I needed it.
Some wishlist items I would love to see in the game are being able to push the stick forward to do flips in mid-air (probably would not fit with the setting and purpose of the game but it would be so cool -- you can kind of already do this by turning while jumping and it results in a really fun cyclone jump effect). I would also like to be able to tweak the camera using the right stick to see slightly different views of the main character while in mid-air or on the ground. I was able to cheese the game after playing for awhile by taking 11 pictures of the same Moai and then brute forcing the phone call options, but I guess if the player chooses to go that route that's on them anyway.
Overall, an amazing experience that I want to play more of, it could definitely be a great full game especially with some additional historical mysteries to solve added and I feel that it would fit in really well on the Nintendo Switch.