The endgame feels a bit disappointing unless I ended up missing something crucial.
It is quite a grind (well, it is an "idle" game, but after the very nice pace up till going for the University, hoped the pacing would stay) to go up to researching all techs with Electricity at the very end. That I couldn't figure out, it does work, I got electricity generation going all right, but the few production buildings using it, I couldn't even spot the benefit of supplying them with electricity.
If setting the end goal of researching all upgrades (which I presume would get Progress up to 100%), that seems technically impossible to achieve. A single library would hold 620K research of each fully upgraded. The biggest target seems to be the coffee field's last growth speed upgrade at some 39 billion Luxury research points. To hold that, nearly 63000 fully upgraded libraries would be necessary, that is, approximately an 500x500 grid filled up entirely with libraries (2x2 tiles each) only. The game field seems to be only ~150x150. With good city management the maximum storable research feels like would be somewhere around 50 million.
Really nice game, if it ran out of steam by this point, a bit sad. Hope it could be finished, even if maybe only tidying up the endgame to have a more satisfying ending (with an option to keep playing, but clear that the progression ended, with only those upgrade options left which are realistic to reach with the game's finished state).