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Hi. There's a really bad crashing problem. While at school when you meet Rukia in her school uniform for the first time the game keeps crashing. I'm playing the android version of the game so I don't know if there's a similar problem with the pc version. Hope you fix it. The art of the game looks really good.

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Have you downloaded the latest version from after the android version fix?


I downloaded from a different site since when I tried downloading from Itch before it didn't download properly.


We are not affiliated with the other sites and it looks like they have posted the version without the fix. The version should work fine.

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I've tried downloading this game on itch a second time now and it still said the download failed a second time. When i trided downloading this game on a different site I had no issues with the download.

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I can't reproduce this issue, seems this problem is not on our side, you can send a message in the discord channel of the game and then I can provide you a direct download link to the game.

My discord account has been disabled for awhile now, I can't go on discord.

Thank you for trying to help me.

You downloaded the game from an unofficial website. Of course, it won't work; there will never be any patches or fixes. That's the point of the official version.

bro i also faced the same issue but mines a little bit different. When the map icon shows and i tap it the game somehow faces bug and the story cannot progress it stopped responding but the other buttons all responds it's very annoying. 😒

I see, it's really a bug, don't click on the map, it will show itself.