Really enjoyed this! I liked the mechanics of having the assistants and choosing what they did each day, that was awesome. All my nitpicks are very much explained by it being a game jam with limited time but I'll list them in case the feedback is useful e.g. you want to expand on it.
- The H key didn't work for me to show interactable things, so I did a lot of pixel hunting
- I found some of the clues quite arbitrary in terms of what they should be matched with, often I would expect it should match with the person rather than the place, rather than vice versa. Many of them I had to brute force to some extent, and some I never figured out why they matched (e.g. the clue about the diner owner going for a walk in the evening). The key seemed like it should match with the B.D. shop, I was perplexed about that. The combo to the safe made no sense to me, surely that number was just a timestamp?
- I would love to be able to drag the clues on the desk around and for them to stay where I put them
- I had to read other comments before I realised you could scroll on the phone - I had tried dragging the screen but it didn't occur to me to use scroll wheel! Even putting that in the controls wouldn't have been helpful to me, as I didn't read the controls because the other things were intuitive