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Excellent prototype! The music fits the space theme very well and the enemies have a unique insect-like appearance. I have some ideas for small gameplay improvements, I can elaborate on them if your are curious.

Thank you. Absolutely I would love ideas or help. Maybe it can become a full game. I have it on git.

Much of the game-play is solid. But there are two minor problems that shouldn't be too hard to fix.

1. The motion is sudden. It would be better if there was more "momentum". Meaning that acceleration to top speed and stopping is not instant. This is especially true in space where there isn't any friction.

2. There are invisible boundaries. Maybe wrap-around would be better, or to spawn new enemies around you?

I may have a little time to play around with your GitHub repo, I will let you know if I stumble on anything.

I have updated the movement. I will think of a solution for the borders. I do agree with you on all that.  I will update the new web gl here in a minute. When you get a chance let me know if you like the way it feels. I will also update the git right now.

The movement is considerably smoother.

And also now adjustable. I definitely want to still try to build this out a little more.